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[英文] 《Spawn of the Comet 》作者: - Harold Thompson Rich【EPUB】


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发表于 2013-9-20 09:27 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The Pr oj ect Gut enber g EBook of Spawn of t he Comet , by Har ol d Thompson Ri ch Thi s eBook i s f or t he use of anyone anywher e at no cost and wi t h al most no r est r i ct i ons what soever . You may copy i t , gi ve i t away or r e- use i t under t he t er ms of t he Pr oj ect Gut enber g Li cense i ncl uded wi t h t hi s eBook or onl i ne at www. gut enber g. net Ti t l e: Spawn of t he Comet Aut hor : Har ol d Thompson Ri ch Rel ease Dat e: June 3, 2009 [ EBook #29027] Language: Engl i sh Char act er set encodi ng: UTF- 8 * * * START OF THI S PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK SPAWN OF THE COMET * * * Pr oduced by Gr eg Weeks, Bar bar a Tozi er and t he Onl i ne Di st r i but ed Pr oof r eadi ng Team at ht t p: / / www. pgdp. net This etext was produced from “Astounding Stories” November 1931. Extensive research did not uncover any evidence that the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed. Professor Wentworth swung his cannon ray upon that advancing horde. Spawn of the Comet By H. Thompson Rich A swarm of huge, fiery ants, brood of a mystery comet, burst from their shells to threaten the unsuspecting world


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